Monday, July 16, 2018

A Chorus of Tulips

Prayer unfolds over a black table, kitchen tabletop.
Furrowed in prayer, we trace soul-thin places plowed long,
harrowed wide. We cradle the sadnesses with prayer.

In soft chorus, the palms of my children reach,
reach over the table's expanse, and touch warmth
to hands and forearms, fingers and elbows.

Eyes squinched shut, we pray,
the safety net of comfort catching us.

Please help Daddy to find a job, Lucy prays. We know
it all depends on you,

the wide table of heaven there between us.


  1. There is not a heart big enough to put here.
    I love you.

  2. Just reread your Vision for this blog. Amen and Amen.

  3. Your kitchen table has an enormous surrounding of people with hands on your family, lifting up the same prayer!

  4. Thinking of you so much my friend and missing your posts. I love you.
