Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Cabinet

A cabinet sealed entirely in toothpaste. "It was supposed to keep Lucy out," she says.

I hand her a washcloth, and we scrub. The bathroom smells like bubble-mint. We forget all about a plugged toilet just behind us and agree toothpaste was a terrible idea.

"But you told me the truth," I say. "So, when you finish, this business will all be done."

"Here," she smiles, "I can get that for you, Momma." She smudges and polishes. "I should be doing this anyway," she says. And so she does. I marvel that discipline has made her so lovely.


  1. Isn't it true?! So sweet when the constant disciplining that mom gets so weary of yields the desired fruit! And it will, it does!

  2. oh this is beautiful and sacred. and the patience you exhibit is becoming this lovely girl... you mother well, sweet bethany.

  3. If only I was always so patient! {sigh} A little more each day, I suppose. Thank-you, both.

  4. You have to chuckle at the intention, though! You are such a good momma. And your photos...SO GORGEOUS!!

  5. "...that discipline has made her so lovely." Oh! That I might receive that blessed guidance as humbly... with that blessed "...I should be doing this anyway" kind of attitude.

    That I might parent with as lovely a patience as you have, Bethany!

  6. Toothpaste as a sealant.... I give her points for creative use of hygiene products! What can she do with deodorant?

  7. Indeed, the creative aspects are pure delight. Tooth paste resembles caulking in any number of ways HAHAHA. I myself have used it as a patch for nail holes in the walls. Colgate (white) works the best. Easy to create a little texture for the larger patch.

    I love that she took responsibility for it. What a good girl. Maybe Grammie should get her a roll of duct tape.
