Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Little Glob of Love

It's a tumult in the bathroom. Pudgy feet pad down the hallway, and Lulie rounds the corner. Someone said, "Toothpaste," and Lucy's on a dead-run. Half-pajama-clad, she's shouting, "Me! Me!" In the bathroom Jack's usually on the counter dispensing water. Janie polices various toothpaste tubes; miscellaneous clothes scatter the floor. A squashed toilet paper roll is discarded in the corner.

Jane grins at Lulie, "Oh, you're coming in joy," she says. And in a moment of Biblical theater she exclaims, "Your faith has made you well. Here let's put more yummies on." Lulie's toothbrush is only partly saturated in spit, but she beams as Jane plops a generous blob of paste right on top.


  1. Your stories make having 3 kids sound like a blast! Happy New Year to a wonderful (and entertaining) family. Love you guys!

  2. That Emma just cracks me up. I can envision the whole scene. So cute how they each seem to find ways to reward eachother with little nuggets of whatever the day's highlight is.

  3. Each with their own gifting--I love to see the Word tested by throwing it into everyday life.
